Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Lord Krishna- The Love Guru.

Lord Krishna- The Love Guru.

Our basic instinct is eating, mating and fighting. Krishna was fond of butter, women and fighting.

There are many facets to Krishna – the naughty kid, the majestic prince, the most romantic lover, valiant warrior and shrewdest politician.

Krishna, through his life story , shows us the way to live a full, rich life and doing all the actions without any attachment to the outcome.

As a child Krishna was very naughty and mischievous like any normal child and was famous for stealing butter. The message to humanity was probably not to make childhood too serious and children should be allowed to enjoy themselves without restrictions of right and wrong.

As a young man Krishna was a passionate lover and the Kama sutra and Raas Leela is full of his erotic love affairs with Radha. The message to humanity probably was to lead a normal passionate loving life and not be too moralistic and idealistic. Have fun and enjoy life for only lovers can know the true meaning of desire and love and thereafter God.

As a man Krishna was a good administrator or king and guided the complex battle between the Kauravas and Pandavas beautifully. The message to humanity probably was to fight with commonsense and make all efforts through diplomacy to avoid a fight and if that fails then one should fight for righteousness without any attachment.

Krishna never went into seclusion and deep contemplation or practiced severe austerity in some remote mountain – he was a normal human being with a normal life and his message is to lead a normal happy life. There are four main goals of life as per Indian philosophy – Dharma or Virtuous living ; Artha or material prosperity ; Kama or desire and Moksha or Liberation  and Krishna taught humanity how to achieve all the goals while leading a normal life by his personal example.

The purpose of the story is to bring out the life of the Divine incarnation as simply as possible and what we can understand is that without being too perfect we can achieve perfection by only loving everyone. The love circle keeps on expanding in different forms and emotions from friends and family to lovers and then to community, society and all of humanity in a natural progression. Therefore God manifests wherever there is love.

To avoid intellectualism and display of knowledge this story has been kept very brief and simple to provoke the mind to re-think about being too perfect or moralistic and judgmental about everyone, when God’s incarnation is Himself so full of life and liberal in His outlook.

Saturday, August 20, 2016



The man who shocked the world with the largest fleet of Rolls Royce Cars and Rolex watches and luxurious lifestyle.

Osho was born in 1931, completed his MA in Philosophy in 1956, taught Philosophy from 1957 to 1966. He was a master debater who challenged orthodox religious leaders in public debates. He addressed gatherings in major Indian cities which varied from twenty to fifty thousand people in open air maidans.

From 1970 he started initiation of seekers into Neo-Sanyas in which he asked his disciples not to renounce the material world but instead renounce all past conditionings and belief systems. What he actually meant was that on the homeward journey of the Divine Consciousness would mean greater realization of the original state and abandoning the grosser impressions which he had gathered during the process of evolution in an increasing manner. Every soul has animal tendencies and social conditioning which have to be abandoned like fear, violence, etc.

From 1980 Osho started offering a wide range of therapy which combined eastern meditation techniques with western psychotherapy.Osho as a master of Philosophy knew all the great religious leaders and their philosophy which had shaped humanity He also understood Psychology very well and made the whole topic of Spirituality very engaging and interesting and transformed human beings from sexual to evolutionary beings.

Osho has been ranked as one of the most influential personality along with Gautama Buddha and Mahatma Gandhi.

There are almost 698 books published based on his discourses by more than 200 publishers in 60 languages. The actual books listed on topics like Yoga, Zen, Buddhism, Tantra, Taoism, Vedanta, Sufism, Jesus Christ is around 244 books.

Osho was an intellectual with wide knowledge and was a teacher who devised many innovative methods to get into the meditative state.

Today the Osho community tries out all the latest techniques like past life regression ,hypnotheraphy, shamanic healing , reiki, tarot reading , sound meditation and lots of other healing methods.

Osho was a man who was far ahead of his time and did contribute a lot in raising Human Consciousness which was his mission. Osho always said he was creating conditions for the birth of a new kind of human being - often referred to as "Zorba the Buddha'- a new man who was a synthesis of science and spirituality. What he was referring to probably was the fifth human race. 

Osho never claimed to teach anything and therefore I can only say that he talked a lot about balancing the masculine and feminine energies. He talked a lot about the sexual repression and conditioning by society which had repressed individuality and freedom. As per Osho sexual repression lead to all kinds of disorders in society which manifested in violence, aggression and terrorism, the moment the sexual energy was channeled properly , it travelled towards love, peace, happiness and joy which is the natural state of a child without any ego. 

The masculine energy is aggressive, violent, show of strength, masochism which we witness in society as glamorization of guns, armed struggles, boxing, wrestling and other aggressive sports which give vent to our animalistic instincts. The feminine energy is all about love, nurturing, caring, kindness, generosity. The mind and ego are more logical and masculine in approach whereas the heart with feelings,desires and emotions is more feminine in approach. The feminine energies as per Osho has been repressed in society and to have a more loving society the morality has to be redefined.Therefore he talked a lot about bringing the heart and mind into harmony.

Even in our movies we see the Angry Young Man – Amitabh Bachan was glorified as a Macho Man and thereafter we had the chocolate boys Aamir Khan in QSQT a romantic movie. Men prefer a movie with fighting and women prefer romantic movies – therefore the film producers go for a mix of violence and romance to make their movies a hit. Too much of violence should not be portrayed as society unconsciously starts glamorizing violence , in fact the values of love, humbleness and unity should be given more coverage in media.The anger is from the mind or Ego and the love is from the heart – man is programmed to be aggressive so that he can protect his wife and children and women are programmed to operate from the heart with feelings and emotions so as to be loving and nurturing to nourish and raise a family .

Osho was one of the greatest thinker and philosopher and was not a Sadguru like Shiridi Sai Baba or the Sufi Saints or Bhakti Saints as he had not reached complete Divinity. Some crucial insights were still not revealed to him completely as probably the time was not right for the human race in its evolutionary journey.

Osho however was a very brave man who had the courage to talk about taboo subjects and demystified a lot of things. Spirituality as per Osho is only for the rich people who can afford the luxury of meditation and not for the poor. He missed out on stressing the most important aspect of loving God by loving the whole of humanity through service, that is evolving out of individualism to expansion of the spirit.

Osho was a great man with phenomenal knowledge, wit & logic and its not easy to understand or judge such great people. Like all saints he has left a huge amount of audio and video recordings so that people can get his message directly, he was highly controversial due to his liberal views on sex and therefore one has to see his videos to understand , read his books and discourses to decide. 

I personally hated religion as I found the temples to be dirty and full of illiterate ,greedy people who exploited the devotees emotionally and economically. Therefore my personal approach to religion was through meditation and Osho's discourses were highly relevant and helpful for me. Thereafter I found Shiridi Sai Baba as the true master for the whole of humanity as I had more belief and faith in the Sufi and Bhakti Saints.

Everyone needs to be guided differently and some are devotees of Ram, Krishna , Jesus but for me Shiridi Sai Baba was a simple man with whom I could directly communicate.

A helpful website

Friday, August 19, 2016

Bhakti Movement – Bhakti has Shakti.

Bhakti Movement – Bhakti has Shakti.

We all want to be happy in life, make our families and children happy, provide freedom from oppression, poverty and unhappiness.

No one wants to kill others children, taking away others livelihood, spread hatred and violence.

However the nature of human life is such that there is greed, cheating for more profits and business, rivalry and competition in society.

The saints therefore try to unite the people by breaking down barriers for peaceful co-existence and bring about harmony in society.

The Bhakti Movement was spread throughout India to bring about unity and fight oppression and injustice by Saints like Kabir, Guru Nanak, Namdev, Mirabai, Shri Chaitanya, Ramanand, Ramunaja and Sufi Saints.

Without too much of intellectualism and loosing the gist of the message of the Saints we can broadly bring out the commonality of the movement.

Firstly, all the Saints avoided Sanskrit language and appealed to the masses by speaking the common language of the people and contributed to the evolution of Indian languages like Urdu, Punjabi, Sindhi, Kashmiri and Hindi.

Secondly , all of them believed in music along with constant remembrance of God . Bhajan, Kirtan, Qawwali, Gurbani were different methods of singing praises of God. Many saints composed poetry and music and were highly creative people.

Thirdly , they all believed in loving God by loving the whole of humanity without any distinction of nationality, religion , caste or creed. This love was often expressed in the form of community feeding or langar to bring about a feeling of Oneness.

Lastly , the birth and death of the saints were often shrouded in mystery , we know that the bodies of Guru Nanak and Kabir disappeared leaving behind only flowers. Mirabai and Shri Chaitanya both merged into the temple idols and were not traceable.

The common message of all the Saints was that human life is meant to be enjoyed and celebrated with food, music, dancing and evolving towards Divinity.

Monday, August 15, 2016



One of the most popular guy among all the religions is Moses. He was the guy who spoke to both God and Archangel Gabriel and wrote all about the creation in the Genesis.

The creation, its beginning; the Creator, His motives and objectives behind creation; the soul, its attributes; the stages of evolution of creation, etc. have been the subject matter of intense metaphysical inquiry and speculation. Each religion has had its own theories regarding these aspects of creation.

The Divine will, according to the Vedas, created what is known as Hiranyagarbha. The Vedas tell us that Hiranyagarbha consists of panchbhoot or five basic elements of nature- sky,water,light,space and matter or earth. According to Science, the ‘cosmic egg’ emits a high density cloud consisting of neutrons and proton particles (Hawking and Carl Sagan).This condensed egg ,because of extreme inner temperature , had a release point with the material pushing from the centre outwards in a siphon action. 

Its apt to mention here that first ripple created by the Divine Will is the basis that created the Hiranyagarbha and through the Hiranyagarbha , the materials of creation. These are what are known as the Ishwar Tatwa or the Nad Bramha (the Cosmic Sound). Shakespeare called it the ‘music of the spheres’. What Moses saw was the “sonorous light” or the light that spoke. It was the light that gave sound which ordered the Ten Commandments.

I always like to think of the Big Bang as an atom bomb – a cracker which we light during Diwali, the bomb always throws off a cloud of gas and dust. Science tells us that the high-density energy clouds spread all over and at a certain point they started creating nebulae. Gradually, these nebulae began to snowball and gained in energy and compactness. They came to be known as stars. The Divine Will changed to Divine Consciousness with the coming of energy fields of the sun or for that matter entire constellation of stars was created out of consciousness. When the earth came out of the sun, a third change occurred. The Divine Consciousness changed to energy and then to gross elements like water,earth ,stone,etc. The homeward journey began appearing in the form of cosmic consciousness gradually, first in the form of fish, then amphibians, birds, animals and finally man in the image of God.    

The Book of Enoch which talks about the Watchers who are Angels dispatched to Earth to look after humans. The Angels start lusting for human women and defected in masse to illicitly instruct humans and procreate among them. The children of this union were called the Nefelim or Nephilim and they were the giant race that once inhabited Old Earth. The fallen angels taught their wives and children a variety of new technological skills, magical knowledge and occult wisdom. This suggests that psychic abilities and magical powers were originally an ancient inheritance from the angelic realm given to early humans. God however allowed a Great Flood to rid the earth of the Nephilim, but sent Uriel to warn Noah so as not to eradicate the human race. The Watchers are bound “in the valleys of the Earth until Judgement Day.

In the esoteric Luciferian tradition they were a special elite order of angelic beings created by God to be earthly shepherds of the first primitive humans. It was their task to observe and watch over the emerging human species and report back on their progress. However they were confined by the divine prime directive not to interfere in human evolution. Unfortunately they decided to ignore God’s command and defy his orders and became teachers to the human race, with unfortunate repercussions for both themselves and humanity. A coincidence here is that in the famous TV Serial ‘Star Trek’ we have a similar prime directive of non interference.

 The Nephilim Giant's were having an orgy on Earth and therefore were sent to the underworld as punishment as per the scriptures.  An interesting coincidence which is coming out is that the Earth has a lot of volcanic tunnels which formed at strategic points where the gravitational pull of other star from distance Galaxies helped eruptions. Now these volcanic tunnels were capped by Pyramids and it seems like the Nephilim giants had built these pyramids. 

So when there was a great flood and Noah was helped by God a few people of Atlantis had gone under these Pyramids to escape from the flood and gone into the mythical inner world. We have already discovered tunnels running over six hundred kilometers in many places in the world.

After the flood water receded a few of these survivors of Atlantis came out of the Pyramids and formed the Egyptian civilization. 

Moses had a unique task of taking away the descendants of Abraham from Egypt to the promised land of Cannan or Israel known as ‘The Exodus’.

We find from the scriptures that a few Nephilim Giants were still there in  Cannan or Israel and have also heard the story of David and Goilath. The promised land was similar probably to the garden of Eden in Babylon or the Sumerian civilization where a new history was unearthed talking about Annunaki or the people from Planet Nibru.

Anyway it all makes sense as Moses has written everything in the Genesis and Book of Enoch, the Dead Sea Scrolls found in the Qumran caves also talk about the same things.

The mission of Moses was to free the people of twelve tribes from probably the twelve zodiac signs.

So there may be a lot of truth in the story of Moses which may be subsequently uncovered by the scientists and archeologist in the future.

Moses is however a great guy who laid down the rules and did a lot for evolving the human race. We must always look into our scriptures and study them for it is very essential for us to find out our origins.

The fifth human race which is a new race is an exciting new shape of humanity with highly advanced scientific knowledge and much similar to the Star Trek characters who look after and help evolve life in different planets. So maybe we would be something like the watchers for helping new civilizations evolve in future.

It is time now to give up our differences and see the commonality in all our religions, we all are children of One God, we must learn to love the whole of humanity and break down all barriers of nationality , color, caste , sex and unite for a common goal of evolution towards Consciousness and Awareness.

Fear, Hatred and Violence have been used throughout history to create divisions and control humanity and love has always been the binding force for families, societies and humanity to unite. Freedom against oppression, exploitation, violence and injustice is important for evolution of humanity and Moses was a very brave guy who led his people towards freedom in difficult circumstances.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ interestingly is recognized as a Prophet in the Quran and is mentioned several times – probably twenty five times, as I have not read the Quran. Now the purpose here is not to display any intellectualism or dry knowledge, the point which is being put across is that the fight between Islam and Christianity is something futile because everyone is a child of the same God.

The masters or sons of God the Almighty, born in groups in different parts of human society, taught the human race at its infant state its primary lessons in science and arts and gave a thrust to the progress of human civilization. They descended on the Egyptian civilization and taught them occult sciences, building of Pyramids, Geometry, Alchemy,etc. Earlier they had built the Atlantis civilization, the mother of later civilizations, which drowned in the sea. They taught Architecture ,Design, Mathematics, principles of warfare, etc. to Roman Empire.

Who were these great spiritual masters or Prophets, from where did they come, what was their purpose, are they still hanging around us to help us ???

Jesus Christ was born to a simple Jewish girl known as Mary in a place called Bethlehem; three wise men from the east were guided by the stars to the place where Jesus was born. The alien theorists often claim that the star which guided the wise men was probably a spaceship or something like UFO.

The Masters are the precursors of the man of the fifth human race that is coming in slowly. The Masters have been carrying on the experiment on different planets, not only of our solar system but also on planets in other solar system. The present research into the possibility of organic life on Venus, Mars and Moon in particular will be successful, as the Masters had earlier experimented on growth and sustenance of “organic life forces” on these planets. The purpose of the Masters is to advance evolution by raising the potential of man – the best of nature’s creation on this planet.

Jesus Christ taught us love and sacrifice, because true love leads to sacrifice as seen when a mother sacrifices for her children.

We must now be mature and logical to distill the true teachings of all the wise saints and their common message was we are all children of the only one God and therefore should love and evolve. The Masters always respond to our love and devotion .

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Kabir - The Rebel.


Writing a story when most of the information is available on the internet is by itself futile if we are not able to add a different perspective to the story.

Saint Kabir Das- the name itself is intriguing because in Arabic , Kabir means “great” , Das means “slave” or “servant” in Sanskrit. He was probably born of a virgin mother like Jesus Christ and when he died his body strangely was replaced by flowers which were divided among his hindu and muslim devotees.

Writing about a hard core rebel is something very difficult, but the very act of rebellion means that the consciousness is high as a conformist does not need to be aware as he is a follower blindly following the others.

Kabir spoke in the local language, was not an intellectual, his poems came out of his heart which was full of devotion for God. He was a great saint who staying in Benaras used to torment the learned Brahmins and he was against both orthodox Hindus and Muslims and probably took a lot of pleasure in taunting the orthodox people. Along with sayings of Baba Farid , the Sufi saint, the sayings of Kabir were also included in the Guru Granth Sahib.

Now Kabir did not want anyone to be a blind follower of either Hindu or Muslim religion and wanted everyone to be reasonable and logical. He had very short and profound sayings or couplets known as Dohas. These Dohas were highly meaningful and have influenced Indian society and specially Bollywood music till date.

Some of his Dohas are given below:-

All-Time Favourite Doha

"Dukh Mein Sumiran Sab Kare, Sukh Mein Kare Na Koye, Jo Sukh Mein Simran Kare, Toh Dukh Kahe Ko Hoye." Meaning: "During suffering, everyone prays to the Lord, but when experiencing happiness, we forget to thank God. If one were to pray to God even during the good times, can the bad times ever trouble one?"
Everyone Knows This One

"Bura Jo Dekhan Main Chala, Bura Naa Milya Koye, Jo Mann Khoja Aapna, To Mujhse Bura Naa Koye." Meaning: "I searched for the crooked man, but failed to find one. But when I searched within myself, I realised there was none more crooked than me!"
A Quote For Today

"Kaal Kare So Aaj Kar, Aaj Kare So Ab, Pal Mein Pralaya Hoyegi, Bahuri Karoge Kab." Meaning: "Instead of doing tomorrow's work on the morrow, do it today, and do today's work, right now! If the moment is lost, can you get it back any way?"
Life Is Like A Grinding Stone

"Chalti Chakki Dekh Kar, Diya Kabira Roye, Dui Paatan Ke Beech Mein, Sabit Bacha Na Koye." Meaning: "Looking at the grinding stones, Kabir laments, In the duel of wheels, nothing stays intact."
Choose Your Words Carefully

"Aisee Vani Boliye, Mann Ka Aapa Khoye, Apna Tan Sheetal Kare, Auran Ko Sukh Hoye." Meaning: "Speak such words, without the ego's manipulative ways, that not only your own body remains composed, you also give your listeners joy through your words."
In Its Own Sweet Time

"Dheere Dheere Re Mana, Dheere Sab Kuch Hoye, Mali Seenche So Ghara, Ritu Aaye Phal Hoye." Meaning: "Slowly, slowly, O mind, everything happens at its own pace, The gardener may water with a hundred pots of water, but the fruit only arrives in its season."
Just Enough

"Saayi Itna Deejiye, Ja Mein Kutumb Samaye, Main Bhi Bhookha Na Rahoon, Sadhu Na Bhookha Jaye." Meaning: Give me only so much, O God, that it suffices to fulfil the needs of my clan, I should not suffer cravings, nor should my visitor go unfed."
What Use Is It To Be Aloof?

"Bada Hua To Kya Hua, Jaise Ped Khajoor Panthi Ko Chaya Nahin, Phal Laage Atidoor." Meaning: "Of what use is eminence, to be like a tall date tree? It neither offers shade to travellers, not is its fruit easy to reach!"
The Divine Is Inside You

"Jaise Til Mein Tel Hai, Jyon Chakmak Mein Aag, Tera Sai Tujh Mein Hai, Tu Jaag Sake To Jaag." Meaning: "Just as a seed contains oil, fire is present in the flintstone, the Divine is inside you, realise this if you can!"
Love, The Biggest Teacher

"Pothi Padh Padh Kar Jag Mua, Pandit Bhayo Na Koye, Dhai Akhshar Prem Ke, Jo Padhe So Pandit Hoye." Meaning: "Reading books hasn't made anyone wiser. But the One who has experienced even the first flush of love, knows more about Life than a learned man."
Love Stories Are Sweet

"Akath Kahani Prem Ki, Kuch Kahi Na Jaye, Goonge Keri Sarkara, Baithe Muskae." Meaning: "Inexpressible is the story of love, no one can fully describe what it feels like, Similar to the dumb guy who has eaten sweet sugar, he can only smile to show his pleasure."

Reading about the life of different Saints may expand our horizon for all Saints always said the same thing – to love God is to love humanity without distinctions of caste, creed, nationality or religion. The function of all Saints was to break all the barriers and bring about unity and love.