Monday, August 15, 2016



One of the most popular guy among all the religions is Moses. He was the guy who spoke to both God and Archangel Gabriel and wrote all about the creation in the Genesis.

The creation, its beginning; the Creator, His motives and objectives behind creation; the soul, its attributes; the stages of evolution of creation, etc. have been the subject matter of intense metaphysical inquiry and speculation. Each religion has had its own theories regarding these aspects of creation.

The Divine will, according to the Vedas, created what is known as Hiranyagarbha. The Vedas tell us that Hiranyagarbha consists of panchbhoot or five basic elements of nature- sky,water,light,space and matter or earth. According to Science, the ‘cosmic egg’ emits a high density cloud consisting of neutrons and proton particles (Hawking and Carl Sagan).This condensed egg ,because of extreme inner temperature , had a release point with the material pushing from the centre outwards in a siphon action. 

Its apt to mention here that first ripple created by the Divine Will is the basis that created the Hiranyagarbha and through the Hiranyagarbha , the materials of creation. These are what are known as the Ishwar Tatwa or the Nad Bramha (the Cosmic Sound). Shakespeare called it the ‘music of the spheres’. What Moses saw was the “sonorous light” or the light that spoke. It was the light that gave sound which ordered the Ten Commandments.

I always like to think of the Big Bang as an atom bomb – a cracker which we light during Diwali, the bomb always throws off a cloud of gas and dust. Science tells us that the high-density energy clouds spread all over and at a certain point they started creating nebulae. Gradually, these nebulae began to snowball and gained in energy and compactness. They came to be known as stars. The Divine Will changed to Divine Consciousness with the coming of energy fields of the sun or for that matter entire constellation of stars was created out of consciousness. When the earth came out of the sun, a third change occurred. The Divine Consciousness changed to energy and then to gross elements like water,earth ,stone,etc. The homeward journey began appearing in the form of cosmic consciousness gradually, first in the form of fish, then amphibians, birds, animals and finally man in the image of God.    

The Book of Enoch which talks about the Watchers who are Angels dispatched to Earth to look after humans. The Angels start lusting for human women and defected in masse to illicitly instruct humans and procreate among them. The children of this union were called the Nefelim or Nephilim and they were the giant race that once inhabited Old Earth. The fallen angels taught their wives and children a variety of new technological skills, magical knowledge and occult wisdom. This suggests that psychic abilities and magical powers were originally an ancient inheritance from the angelic realm given to early humans. God however allowed a Great Flood to rid the earth of the Nephilim, but sent Uriel to warn Noah so as not to eradicate the human race. The Watchers are bound “in the valleys of the Earth until Judgement Day.

In the esoteric Luciferian tradition they were a special elite order of angelic beings created by God to be earthly shepherds of the first primitive humans. It was their task to observe and watch over the emerging human species and report back on their progress. However they were confined by the divine prime directive not to interfere in human evolution. Unfortunately they decided to ignore God’s command and defy his orders and became teachers to the human race, with unfortunate repercussions for both themselves and humanity. A coincidence here is that in the famous TV Serial ‘Star Trek’ we have a similar prime directive of non interference.

 The Nephilim Giant's were having an orgy on Earth and therefore were sent to the underworld as punishment as per the scriptures.  An interesting coincidence which is coming out is that the Earth has a lot of volcanic tunnels which formed at strategic points where the gravitational pull of other star from distance Galaxies helped eruptions. Now these volcanic tunnels were capped by Pyramids and it seems like the Nephilim giants had built these pyramids. 

So when there was a great flood and Noah was helped by God a few people of Atlantis had gone under these Pyramids to escape from the flood and gone into the mythical inner world. We have already discovered tunnels running over six hundred kilometers in many places in the world.

After the flood water receded a few of these survivors of Atlantis came out of the Pyramids and formed the Egyptian civilization. 

Moses had a unique task of taking away the descendants of Abraham from Egypt to the promised land of Cannan or Israel known as ‘The Exodus’.

We find from the scriptures that a few Nephilim Giants were still there in  Cannan or Israel and have also heard the story of David and Goilath. The promised land was similar probably to the garden of Eden in Babylon or the Sumerian civilization where a new history was unearthed talking about Annunaki or the people from Planet Nibru.

Anyway it all makes sense as Moses has written everything in the Genesis and Book of Enoch, the Dead Sea Scrolls found in the Qumran caves also talk about the same things.

The mission of Moses was to free the people of twelve tribes from probably the twelve zodiac signs.

So there may be a lot of truth in the story of Moses which may be subsequently uncovered by the scientists and archeologist in the future.

Moses is however a great guy who laid down the rules and did a lot for evolving the human race. We must always look into our scriptures and study them for it is very essential for us to find out our origins.

The fifth human race which is a new race is an exciting new shape of humanity with highly advanced scientific knowledge and much similar to the Star Trek characters who look after and help evolve life in different planets. So maybe we would be something like the watchers for helping new civilizations evolve in future.

It is time now to give up our differences and see the commonality in all our religions, we all are children of One God, we must learn to love the whole of humanity and break down all barriers of nationality , color, caste , sex and unite for a common goal of evolution towards Consciousness and Awareness.

Fear, Hatred and Violence have been used throughout history to create divisions and control humanity and love has always been the binding force for families, societies and humanity to unite. Freedom against oppression, exploitation, violence and injustice is important for evolution of humanity and Moses was a very brave guy who led his people towards freedom in difficult circumstances.

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