Thursday, August 11, 2016

Prophet Mohammed.(PBUH)

Prophet Mohammed.(PBUH)

The first man Adam was the son of God and thereafter everyone is a child of the One and Only God.

Prophet Mohammed was a descendent of Ishmael, son of Abraham and father of the warring tribes of Arabian peninsula.

Now Ishmail was a child of Abraham from his Egyptian maid and along with his mother he was left in the desert by Abraham.

It’s a strange story that Abraham first had Ishmael and then later had Issac from his wife Sarah. Both Moses and Jesus trace back their lineage to Issac.

Anyway the story is that Ishmail and his mother were left in the desert and were desperate for water and hearing their prayers God showed them a well (Zamzam well), both mother and son settled in the same place which soon grew into a prosperous city known as Mecca. Ishmail was later married to an Egyptian girl and had twelve sons who later went on to form the twelve warring tribes of Arabia.

Very interestingly Mecca was the focal point in the trade route between Syria and Egypt and other cities. So Ishmaiel and his mother traded water for goods from the traders who rested their caravan in Mecca. Both Ishmael and his mother lie buried in a place near Kabbah which is the first house of worship built on earth for the worship of Allah and rebuilt by Prophets Abraham and Ishmaiel.

Prophet Mohammed was born in 570 AD in Mecca which had idols of 360 gods and goddesses and this was a source of huge revenues for the Quraysh Tribes in charge.

The mission of Prophet Mohammed was similar to Moses and his ten Commandments,  to re-establish law & order in society, demonstrate and complete the laws of moral, ethical, legal, social conduct and other matters of significance for humanity at large. He united the fighting Arab tribes under Islam and brought about clarity that there is only One God.

Humanity had evolved and with growing complexity of trade and warfare the Prophets always worked for the greatest good for the greatest number and they always redefine religious codes and re-establish moral values on earth.

The Qur’an mentions twenty five Prophets by name and provides an insight of their mission , struggle and their communities. The Qur’an also mentions four previously revealed Scriptures of Abraham, Moses, David and Jesus. Islam requires belief in all Prophets and revealed scriptures as part of the Articles of Faith.

The laws of Moses in Israel had lost their relevance and therefore the Holy Quran was revealed to Prophet Mohammed through Archangel Gabriel.

Another interesting fact is that the Byzantine & Sassanid Empires were on the decline as the Holy Roman Empire could not hold itself together.

Therefore we see that Islam at that time within a span of hundred years spread till China in east and Europe in west thus bridging the east & west through the silk trade route to bring about assimilation of cultures.

Personally,I have not read the Qur’an but find it very interesting that it was so detailed on all aspects of human life and social conduct and relationship. We must read all the scriptures for proper understanding of human evolution throughout history.

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