Friday, August 19, 2016

Bhakti Movement – Bhakti has Shakti.

Bhakti Movement – Bhakti has Shakti.

We all want to be happy in life, make our families and children happy, provide freedom from oppression, poverty and unhappiness.

No one wants to kill others children, taking away others livelihood, spread hatred and violence.

However the nature of human life is such that there is greed, cheating for more profits and business, rivalry and competition in society.

The saints therefore try to unite the people by breaking down barriers for peaceful co-existence and bring about harmony in society.

The Bhakti Movement was spread throughout India to bring about unity and fight oppression and injustice by Saints like Kabir, Guru Nanak, Namdev, Mirabai, Shri Chaitanya, Ramanand, Ramunaja and Sufi Saints.

Without too much of intellectualism and loosing the gist of the message of the Saints we can broadly bring out the commonality of the movement.

Firstly, all the Saints avoided Sanskrit language and appealed to the masses by speaking the common language of the people and contributed to the evolution of Indian languages like Urdu, Punjabi, Sindhi, Kashmiri and Hindi.

Secondly , all of them believed in music along with constant remembrance of God . Bhajan, Kirtan, Qawwali, Gurbani were different methods of singing praises of God. Many saints composed poetry and music and were highly creative people.

Thirdly , they all believed in loving God by loving the whole of humanity without any distinction of nationality, religion , caste or creed. This love was often expressed in the form of community feeding or langar to bring about a feeling of Oneness.

Lastly , the birth and death of the saints were often shrouded in mystery , we know that the bodies of Guru Nanak and Kabir disappeared leaving behind only flowers. Mirabai and Shri Chaitanya both merged into the temple idols and were not traceable.

The common message of all the Saints was that human life is meant to be enjoyed and celebrated with food, music, dancing and evolving towards Divinity.

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