Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Sheikh Noor-ud–din Wali or Nund Rishi.

Sheikh Noor-ud–din Wali or Nund Rishi.

The anchor of any society lies in spirituality, the thoughts and feelings of the people determine what sort of life and society they build. Mahatma Gandhi fought for the freedom but was against violence and hatred. He stressed on love and service to humanity.

Indian society has been very fortunate to have great Spiritual leaders like Buddha and Guru Nanak who have founded religions. Adi Shankara reorganized Hinduism.

One of the Sufi saints who has impressed me a lot was Nund Rishi – founder of Rishi Sufi Silsilah a funny name which came to my mind repeatedly and I was forced to write about him. Nund Rishi or Sheikh Noor-ud-din-Wali lived between 1379 and 1438 and is known as the patron saint of Kashmir and had his Khanqah at Charar-e-Sharif near Srinagar.

Nund Rishi is unique because he inherited the spiritual legacy of Lalla Arifa, a Shavite female mystic when he was born. Nund Rishi belonged to the family of Raja of Kishtwar, they had embraced Islam at the hands of Sufi saint Yasman Rishi , spiritual preceptor of Nund Rishi also. Nund Rishi founded the Rishi order or Silsilah Rishian which is indigenous to Kashmir.

Kashmir had witnessed a unique amalgamation of three prominent cultures and religion – The Shaiva Philosophy of Rishis of the ancient traditional followers of Lord Shiva, the Sufi mystic movement which came from Arabia through Central Asia, Iran, Afghanistan and Buddhism which was a remnant of the ancient Silk Trade Route as Buddhism had entered China through the Silk Trade Route.

The Buddhist monasteries had become centers of literacy, culture with well organized marketplaces, lodging and storage, but the Silk Road transmission of Buddhism ended with rise of Islam in Central Asia and the Sufi Khanqahs replaced the monasteries.The Sufi Khanqahs became something like Caravan Sarais where merchants often rested in their travels along the Silk Route. Any progressive society apart from Spirituality needs a strong network for trading and a robust economy for progress.

Nund Rishi used poetry as a tool to spread knowledge of the absolute. He was a revolutionary and taught love for humanity along with tolerance and service. His poems and clarity of his teachings that Islam crusaded against social injustice and stressed on love, tolerance and service impressed a large number of people who embraced Islam.
Nund Rishi or Sheikh Noor-ud-din Wali played the role of a social reformer and raised his voice against oppression.

Today we need to understand our history and culture and work towards building a better future with love and tolerance. The society will always evolve as per the thoughts and feelings of the majority of the people and Spiritual thrust and strength is only provided by God.

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