Monday, August 8, 2016

Hazrat Baba Tazuddin – (The saint who was admitted to the Mental Asylum.)

The Genesis is in the Genetics – it’s a controversial statement, but scientists are now finding out a lot of truth in this statement. It seems our DNA contains all the information and memories are passed down through generations. The wise ones have always said that all knowledge is within us, it seems to be more appropriate with the latest research in Genetics, DNA, Cloning, etc.

My humble research on the Sufi Saints since the last twenty five years has lead me to belief that most Sufi Saints trace back their lineage to Prophet Mohammed.

Today I write about Hazrat Baba Tazuddin, one of the Perfect Masters or Qutabs. The Qutab is the pivotal point in the administration of the perceptible and the imperceptible universe around us. Some of the Qutabs or Perfect Masters in the past have been Hernes, Enoch, Orpheus, Abraham, Zoroaster, Moses, Buddha, Christ, Prophet Mohammed, Adi Shankracharya and many others.

The Sadgurus or Perfect Masters or Qutabs are extremely busy in evolving the human capacity to higher potentials and magnitudes to bring in the fifth human race with much superior potential. The exploration of space, genetics engineering, discovery of sub-particles of the atom, unbelievable expansion of information technology , oceanic explorations, cloning of animals, spread of occultism and paranormal experiments are indications in that direction. Today communication takes place through the medium of electromagnetic waves. Tomorrow, the fifth human race will develop the capacity to communicate through a mental process with each other. Newer and newer energy fields will be discovered and used by human beings.

Hazrat Baba Tazuddin was one such Sufi Saint and Perfect Master who was a direct descendant of Sufi Naqshbandi order Baha –ud-din- Naqshband Bukhari. Baba’s forefathers migrated from Mecca and settled down in Madras. When he was six years and studying in madarasa, a highly evolved spiritual saint Hazrat Abdullah Shah came and give him  a dry fruit after eating which he remained in spiritual ecstasy for three days- this was similar to Shaktipata in Hindu Yoga system . Hazrat Tajuddin joined the Nagpur Army Regiment at the age of twenty in 1881 and served in Sagar as an army sepoy .

Later Hazrat Tazuddin used to meditate with a highly developed spiritual soul known as Hazrat Baud Saheb in Sagar.  A favourite couplet that captured his heart was ……”Drink wine , burn Quran and Kaba; dwell in the mandap (temple) but never hurt the feelings of ,or cause pain to, any human heart.” At height of spiritual ecstasy he submitted his resignation directly to the Commandant of his Unit and left the camp.

Thereafter he roamed around Sagar and probably to secure food and shelter and a place from where he could function, he deliberately went naked in front of the British women,  was arrested and sent to the lunatic asylum in 1892 .

He lived happily in the mental asylum for 16 years and operated out of his cell where all people including the top dignitaries and British administrators came to have his darshan , the crowd was so huge that British government started charging fees for his darshan, so as to recover his fooding & lodging expenses.

After living in the Asylum for 16 years he shifted to the Palace of the Maharaja of Nagpur , here he operated a langar for feeding the huge crowd which came to have his darshan. He was always kind, compassionate & generous & fulfilled all the wishes of his devotees.

The effect & influence of Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti of Ajmer and of Nizamuddin Auliya of Delhi on the rulers of that time can be historically established. Similarly Hazrat Tajuddin had a profound influence on the different rulers as Raja & British Administrators all were lovingly guided by him. We find behind every temporal ruler a spiritual ruler throughout history and the Sufi saints were always an influence on the rulers.

Today human civilization is on the threshold of a big change through change in rulers, wars, large scale destructions, new discoveries which will lead human civilization forward in the path of evolution.

We need at this time sustenance and spreading of spiritual energy on earth through temples, churches, mosques and revival of ancient spiritual sites like the Dargah or Khanqahs of Sufi Saints to guide us forward.

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